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Crossing of the Araguaia

On that empty road, a herd went down
To cross the Araguaia's river
The overseer was a wise old man
The commands were severe, and the cowboys obeyed
The pointer, a young man
Very skillful
But it was his first trip in this region
Wasn't aware of the torments of the famous Araguaia
Didn't know that the piranhas were a grave danger
When they arrived at the bank, the old cowboy said
We'll push a old ox into the water, and gave the order to the pointer
While the piranhas eat it, we have to go fast
Take that old ox, that worth little money
Was a ox with a big horn, already gnawed by the years
The poor one didn't know about his tyrant fate
Bleeding from stings, he entered the Araguaia
The piranhas went into a frenzy and started to eat it
While the poor old ox was being devoured
The herd started to swim and went out the other side
On that green pastures everything was calm
Said the old man to the pointer: stay calm
The pointer with angry said: what an absurd
Sacrificing a old ox, why this cruelty?
Answered the cowboy: you must learn this true
That Jesus also died to save mankind
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Travessia do Araguaia

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