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  • Estopa

    Un rincón de mi mundo → traduction en anglais

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A spot in my world

In some spot of my world
where time doesn't pass anymore
no minutes, no seconds
no scripts, no plots
no northern freezing winds
no sobbing over dark sorrows
no cats on the roof
no peace, followed by no war
Where I don't serve a sentence
where I can't hear the sirens
where I stay for a bit
to rethink
I save a thousand sleepless nights
I just have to wait
for spring to come
it's never quite here
And I think about
if I should listen to the pain
or to any fleeting thought
orbiting around me
for good or for bad
'cause that's always the question
that I can't answer
that's got no solution
And I think about
if I should listen to the pain
or to any fleeting thought
orbiting around me
for good or for bad
'cause that's always the question
that I can't answer
that's got no solution
and in this rollercoaster
we all call life
things we don't use
that quickly forget about us
I've got no excuses left
to end this song
if my muses don't come to me today
I'll have to go looking for them myself
Where I don't serve a sentence
where I can't hear the sirens
where I stay for a bit
to rethink
I save a thousand sleepless nights
I just have to wait
for spring to come
it's never quite here
Paroles originales

Un rincón de mi mundo

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Un rincón de mi ... »