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A beautiful, cruel world

That dream is the place where my heart lies,
something more fragile than life.
Over and over I cast it away to find it again.
Now, rest in peace.
My wish is being violated by a pulsating urge,
and I remember again so strongly that I nearly forget.
In this beautiful, cruel world
we do nothing but ask "Why?" [in response to us] being still alive...
Ah, what is it we are protecting with this strength and weakness,
if reason and such are no longer?
I wonder if this sky is sad?
Ashes and mirages are flying up.
Now, sleep in secret,
frozen by warm words.
My grief is hidden by unyielding illusions,
and I'm getting entwined again so strongly that I nearly get torn up.
In this beautiful, cruel world
we do nothing but plead "Wait!" [in response to us] simply going to die...
Ah, we don't know whether or not truth is more beautiful than a lie
without being able to fly a weather vane.
If only we were a song,
we would set sail in that wind
and, without hesitation, simply
go to deliver hope to somebody's side.
In this beautiful, cruel world
we do nothing but ask "Why?" [in response to us] being still alive...
Ah, what is it we are protecting with this strength and weakness,
if reason and such are no longer?
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