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  • Jorge Mautner

    Vampiro → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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I wear dark glasses
To hide my tears
When you come to my side,
The tears begin to flow
I feel something in my heart
I feel a great confusion
I know I'm a vampire
Who will never have peace in his heart
Sometimes I wonder
Why I do it that way
And the summer night goes on,
With that crazy smell of jasmine
And I get drunk with you
And I get drunk with passion
In my body, the blood no longer flows,
No, no, flows fire and volcano lava
I wrote a song singing
All the love I had for you
You were listening impassively;
I was singing and dying on your side
You still had the courage
To say in a tone so polite
What a beautiful song,
Which tells of a passionate heart
That's why I'm a vampire
And I fool around with my black horse
And I'm sucking the blood of boys
And girls I meet
So it's good not
To get too close my eyes
Otherwise I take you a bite
That will leave a wound in your flesh
And in my mouth I feel
The saliva already dry
Of waiting that kiss,
That kiss never happened
You are one crazy in my life
You're a razor to my eyes
You are the banner of agony
That has the moon and the sun of midday.
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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Vampiro »