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  • Frei.Wild

    Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss → traduction en anglais

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Forbidden Love, Forbidden Kiss

We dreamed of us at the same places
And we thought it didn't make any sense
The same tears, that never cried
But we followed the feelings inside us
Secret kisses, silent cries
And all the signs against us
But the heart beat in both of us
Conquered fear, conquered suffering
No wall was too high, no hurdle too great
Forbidden love, feelings on the run
Forbidden kisses, we've tried
Stronger than any no in the world
Is what keeps us together
Forbidden love, feelings on the run
Forbidden kisses, we've tried
Stronger than any no in the world
Is what keeps us together
Caught in our own desire
Seperated by the net of another's hand
Free in righst but not in life
Even the sands of time buried the hope
Of freedom
Freedom to hold, to love
Freedom to show ourselves, to live
But the heartbeat in both of us
Defeated fear, defeated suffering
No wall was too high, no hurdle too great
That which holds us together
That which holds us together
Stronger than any no in the world
Is what keeps us together
Paroles originales

Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss

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