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  • Lill-Babs

    Vinden i min själ → traduction en anglais

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The wind in my soul

Now our love is just memories like a movie a long time
I remember the beginning
I remember the end
I still remember some scenes
That it was snowing in the spring
That you bought a balloon
That my hands were freezing
That your first kiss was long
And that the birds were silent and that the sun seemed blind
That it was snowing in the spring and so cold was the spring wind
And I remember that wind, it is the wind in my soul
And we rowed in your row boat and we drifted around a bay
Lying on his back, looking at the clouds
It was June in our world
Then came the storm, then came the rain
And we rowed ashore
We were happy and we sang
You found a bay, I found your hand
And I remember we ran on the beach
The rain ran down my cheek
And we found a deserted boathouse, there in the wind of the summer storm
And I remember that wind well, it's the wind in my soul
I remember the rings from the stone you threw in our bay
Sand traces of wet feet
I remember the seagulls' music
For the sake of my love, the wind was never so hot
I remember boats far in the distance
You were close, you were mine
I was a girl, I became a woman, you were close, you were everything
But at the end of August came a wind that blew cold
And that wind, the cold wind, never ever I understood
The wind blew hard in the trees
The leaves were colored like blood
You left me, because you were looking for a body and found a soul
It was what I said, "I love you forever" that was wrong
The wind brought you my friend
The wind went with you again
You are the wind in my soul
Paroles originales

Vinden i min själ

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