La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Bénabar

    Voir sans être vu → traduction en anglais

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See Without Being Seen

“That man, from time to time
I ran into in the stairs
Although unknown,
He looks familiar”
That’s what he maybe thought
But was in a hurry
That man who doesn’t know me,
That man who just ran into me
Of me, he doesn’t know anything
Neither the name, nor the floor
He should at least notice me
Before asking himself questions
Holding my courage in both hands
I’d like to shake his hand
Tell him “we are neighbors
I live on the 5th floor”
See without been seen… without being seen
I do not blame anyone
Nor any woman, nor any man
I’m just a bystander, that’s all
Not transparent, just a little blurred
“Who’s that guy again?
I think I’ve seen him somewhere”
That guy, it’s me
I live in the streets
It’s time to go home
It’s late anyway
From up my window
I will finally be able to see you
See you without being seen… without being seen
I’m just a bystander in the street
You’ve already seen me somewhere
I’m a downstairs neighbor
A sentry, a lighthouse keeper
“Really, you didn’t know him either?
I admit he was really quiet, if only we’d known…”
“We’ll know that guy...
Look at his window...
Used to live on the 5th floor...
It’s still opened...”
I’m just a bystander in the street
You’ve already seen me somewhere
I’m a downstairs neighbor
A sentry, a lighthouse keeper.
Paroles originales

Voir sans être vu

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)
