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So here the notebook has ended, but the story remains unfinished
Forgive me, but . . .
The sentence cuts off, that happens in life
What happens next even I don't know . . .
Yesterday gets forgotten, no date nor name
Save me, I . . .
What I have - don't treasure, and having lost - I cry
But you live another way . . .
Every day I searched for your ghostly trail
There is no love left, so run
Despite it all, I am here, I'm with you while the light is dimming
And your footsteps fade away . . .
So the notebook has ended,
You won't believe, - it's easy for me, it's so easy for me
I give her to the fire, but burn my own fingers
I forgive You and let you go
Every day I searched for your ghostly trail
There is no love left, so run
Nevertheless, I'm here, I'm with you while the light is dimming
And your footsteps fade . . .
Every day I searched for your ghostly trail
There is no love left, so run
Vopreki . . .
Paroles originales


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