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  • Fuel Fandango

    Salvaje → traduction en anglais

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I live in a world1
that leaves me in despair,
I live in a world
that's sometimes deserted.
And now I know I'm in a world made of glass,
and I'm not afraid of anything anymore.
And now people can't even breathe anymore,
nor can they walk freely.
Like horses in the mist,
I'm wild, I'm wild.
Like horses in the mist,
I'm wild, I'm wild.
I live in a world
that's sometimes deserted.
I live in a world
where sometimes I can't find myself, no.
And now I know I'm in a world made of glass.
and I don't have faith in anything,
And now people can't even breathe anymore,
nor can they walk freely.
Like horses in the mist.
I'm wild, I'm wild.
Like horses in the mist,
nothing and no one can stop me, no.
I'm wild, I'm wild.
Like horses in the mist.
wild, wild,
like horses in the mist.
nothing and no one can stop me, no.
no one can stop me, no.
I'm wild,
like horses in the mist.
  • 1. lit. 'in this world/on this earth'.
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