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Tomorrow morning at 5

When tomorrow morning at 5
they stand me against a wall
For the last time
I will have vodka for the cheers
I will rip the blindfold off my eyes
So I can see the sky
And then I will remember
you, my love
Na-na na-na na
And then I will remember
When tomorrow morning at 5
They will send me a priest
I will tell him he got it wrong
That I don't want to go to Heaven
That I lived how I lived
And will die just the same
And what mess I have gotten myself into
I will just bite the bullet
Na-na na-na na
And what mess I have gotten myself into
I will just bite the bullet
When tomorrow morning at 5
The lieutnant commands "Fire!"
I will regret the years
When I haven't kissed you
I will wave goodbye to the sun
And then I will feel sorry
For leaving you, my love
Alone here on Earth
Na-na na-na na
For leaving you, my love
here on Earth
When tomorrow morning at 5
You go out to do the laundry
And toss the heaps of hay
I will be standing against the wall
So stoke up the fire
And conceal your sorrow
Please, never forget me
Never forget, but live on
Na-na na-na na
Never forget me
and live on
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Zítra ráno v pět

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