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Z 628 King Arthur V, 37 Round thy coast, fair nymph of Britain.

Round thy coast, fair nymph of Britain,
For thy guard our waters flow:
Proteus all his herd admitting
On thy green to graze below:
Foreign lands thy fish are tasting;
Learn from thee luxurious fasting.
Round thy coast, fair nymph of Britain,
For thy guard our waters flow:
Proteus all his herd admitting
On thy green to graze below:
Foreign lands thy fish are tasting;
Learn from thee luxurious fasting.

Z 628 V, 37: Attuórno â còsta tója, bèlla ninfa brittanna.

Attuórno â còsta tója, bèlla ninfa brittanna,
ll’acque nòste scórreno a gguardia tója.
Pròteo pòrta tutt’a mmórra sója
A pàscere abbascio ‘ncopp’o vvèrde tujo.
Gènte furastère assapórano ‘o pésce tujo;
se ‘mpàrano ‘a te a ffà na bòna vigilia.
Attuórno â còsta tója, bèlla ninfa brittanna,
ll’acque nòste scórreno a gguardia tója.
Pròteo pòrta tutt’a mmórra sója
A pàscere abbascio ‘ncopp’o vvèrde tujo.
Gènte furastère assapórano ‘o pésce tujo;
se ‘mpàrano ‘a te a ffà na bona vigilia.