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Болесно те волим

Са мном је све у реду
немој да си забринут
са срца скидам конце
немој да си забринут
тотално сам мирна
и прозор делује
нисам више луда
ко да ми верује
на неким другим грудима
ја ноћима сам остајала
са неким другим људима
нисам знала
Рефрен: Болесно те волим
то је сада очигледно
болесно те волим
није, није ми свеједно
А када с њом води љубав
за њом прво оду живци
јер сви ми емотивци
тешки смо болесници
Са мном је све у реду
имам друге склоности
наша је љубав игра несрећних околности
тотално сам мирна
и прозор делује
нисам више луда
ко да ми верује
на неким другим грудима
ја ноћима сам остајала
са неким другим људима
нисам знала

I love you too much

Everything is ok with me
do not be worried
take of the threads from my heart
hurt me once again
I am completely calmed down
And it is so cold out of the window
I am not crazy any more
Who is going to believe me?
I was staying on some other´s cheats
I was curing myself with some other people
I didn´t know
Chorus :
I love you too much
it is obvious now
I love you too much
I really care about that
And when you make love with her
your nervous fail down with her too
because we, emotional people are really sick
Everything is ok with me
I have some others weaknesses
our love is a game of the bad circumstances
I am Everything is ok with me
do not be worried
take of the threads from my heart
hurt me once again
I am completelly calmed down
And it is so cold out of the window
I am not crazy any more
Who is going to believe me?
I was staying on some other´s cheats
I was curing myself with some other people
I didn´t know
I love you too much
it is obvious now
I love you too much
I really care about that
And when you make love with her
your nervous fail down with her too
because we, emotional people are really sick
Everything is ok with me
I have some others weaknesses
our love is a game of the bad circumstances
I am completelly calmed down
And it is so cold out of the window
I am not crazy any more
Who is going to believe me?
I was staying on some other´s cheats
I was curing myself with some other people
I didn´t know
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