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이상한 자(A Strange Man)

그는 "한국전쟁 피난민의 아들"이라 말했고
자서전에 그 배 이름을 적었으나,
그 이름은 같지 않고, 태어나기 전이라,
그 것은 가짜 기억일 수 있네.
그는 북에 사는 이모를 만나려
나이를 속였네, 북의 제안에 따라
지원했네. 이모의 얼굴은
그와 닮았네, 주걱턱, 코. 그 것이 보여주었네.
그는 동생들은 데려가지 않고,
처와 아들과 같이 갔네. 이상하네.
왜? 학도병 출신은 그의 아버지를
생포했다고 주장했네. 이상하네.
어느 날, 주장자는 피를 쏟으며
이상하게 죽었네. 그의 말대로,
북이 파견한 최연소 요원일까?
지금 그 것은, 우리와 여러분들께 달려있네.

A Strange Man

He has said “I’m a son of a refugee of Korean War”
And he wrote the name of the ship on the autobiography,
But it is not same at his other writing, and before
His birth, it can be the fake memory.
He deceived his age for meeting his aunt
Who lived in North Korea, he applied
By the North suggestion. The face of aunt
Was similar to him, wapperjaw and nose. It displayed.
He went to meet with his wife and son,
But not his younger brothers. It’s curious,
Why? There’s a student soldier he’s the one
Who claimed to capture his dad, it’s curious.
One day the claimer mysteriously died
Shedding the blood, like his words, can be
The youngest agent whom the North embedded?
Now it’s up to us and thee.