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  • Jorge de la Vega

    La gata Teresa → Angol fordítás

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La gata Teresa

Pues sí, señor,
voy a contarles qué me pasó
con la gata Teresa
cuando subió a mi mesa.
Allí encontró
un gran plato de dulce y comió.
Tan hambrienta que al rato
había limpiado el plato.
Esta gata come todo
traga todo lo que encuentra,
si tuviera que pagarlo
no le alcanzaría la renta
devora pan y bebe vino
traga dulce de tomate
con rodajas de pepino,
come peras, come uvas,
come queso del más fino,
come todo lo que encuentra
en el plato del vecino.
Cuando la ví
yo le dije, qué está haciendo aquí?
Y la gata Teresa
se alejo con tristeza.
Y sabe usted
al ratito dónde la encontré?
Adentro del ropero
masticando un sombrero!
Esta gata come todo,
traga todo lo que encuentra
si tuviera que pagarlo
no le alcanzaría la renta;
come turrón con Coca-Cola,
traga crema de alcauciles
y buñuelos de escarola,
ananas en escabeche
y tartaletas de chauchas,
lo que nunca he conseguido
es que coma las lauchas.

The cat Theresa

Well yes, sir,
I'll tell you what happened
with the cat Theresa
when she got on the table.
There she found
a great candy dish and she ate.
She was so hungry that in a while
she had cleaned the plate.
This cat eats everything
she swallows anything she finds,
if I had to pay it
the rent wouldn't be enough
she devours bread and drinks wine
she swallows tomato candy
with cucumber slices,
she eats pears, grapes,
the finest cheese,
she eats anything she finds,
in the neighbor dish.
When I saw her
I told her "What are you doing?"
And the cat Theresa
went away sad.
And do you know
where did I find her next?
Inside the wardrobe
chewing a hat!
This cat eats everything
she swallows anything she finds,
if I had to pay it
the rent wouldn't be enough;
she eats nougat with Coca Cola,
she swallows artichoke cream
and escarole buñuelos,
pineapples in brine
and green beans tartlets
what I never achieved
is that she eats the mouses.