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Maybe It's Time

Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
It takes a lot to change a man. Hell, it takes a lot to try.
Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
Nobody knows what waits for the dead.
Nobody knows what waits for the dead.
Some folks just believe in the things
they've heard and the things they read.
Nobody knows what waits for the dead.
I'm glad I can't go back to where I came from.
I'm glad those days are gone, gone for good.
But if I could take spirits from my past and bring 'em here,
you know I would, you know I would.
Nobody speaks to God these days.
Nobody speaks to God these days.
I'd like to think He's lookin' down and laughin' at our ways.
Nobody speaks to God these days.
When I was a child they tried to fool me,
said the worldly man was lost and that hell was real.
Well, I've seen hell in Reno
and this world's one big ole Catherine wheel,
spinnin' steel.
Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
It takes a lot to change your plans,
and a train to change your mind.
Maybe it's time to let the old ways die.
Oh, maybe it's time to let the old ways die.

Možda je vrijeme

Možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
Potrebno je mnogo da se čovjek promijeni, i mnogo da se to pokuša
Možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
Niko ne zna šta nas čeka kad umremo
niko ne zna šta nas čeka kad umremo
Neki ljudi vjeruju samo u stvari
koje su čuli i pročitali
Niko ne zna šta nas čeka kad umremo
Drago mi je što ne mogu da se vratim tamo gdje sam bio
Drago mi je što su ti dani iza mene, zauvijek iza mene
Ali, da mogu da prenesem duh prošlosti u sadašnjost
znaš da bih, znaš da bih
Niko više ne priča s Bogom
niko više ne priča s Bogom
Volim da mislim da nas gleda odozgo, i smije se našim postupcima
Niko više ne priča s Bogom
Kad sam bio dijete, pokušali su da me prevare
rekli su mi da žaljenje više ne postoji i da je pakao stvaran
Ali vidio sam pakao u Renou i ovi zidovi žele da se
vatromet* i dalje vrti u krug
Možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
Potrebno je mnogo da promijeniš svoje planove,
još mnogo više da promijeniš mišljenje
Možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
o, možda je vrijeme da pustimo stare navike da umru
san79san79    Csütörtök, 07/02/2019 - 09:55

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.
the changes are here..

-"Said the worldly man was lost and that a Hell was real"

-"Well, I've seen hell in Reno" I think he sings "But I've seen hell there ain't no" (što ti misliš?)

-"and a train to change your mind"

Don JuanDon Juan
   Vasárnap, 01/11/2020 - 18:31

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation for updates.

Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Hétfő, 02/11/2020 - 18:33

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the lyrics have been updated, so please review your translation and update it accordingly. There have been several changes in the last day or so, so if you already checked after receiving those notifications, please check again to make sure your translation is aligned with the most current version. Thanks!