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Ko sa pjesmom na usnama
ljutu bitku bije
ko u duši kukavica
nikad bio nije
Panteri, vi ste naša srpska garda
panteri, na vašoj je strani pravda
panteri, Mauzera vi ste dika
takvu vojsku nema ni Amerika
Ko sa pjesmom u grudima
uvijek u boj kreće
ko u borbi svoga druga
nikada izdati neće
Ko za narod tako hrabro
i živote daje
ko to vječno u sjećanju
i pjesmi ostaje
Hvala Mauzer


Who goes to the battle
with a song on the lips?
Who did never have
the soul of a coward?
(this part repeats, chorus)
Panteri, you are our Serbian guard
Panteri, the justice is on your side
Panteri, you are the pride of Mauzer
Not even America has such a army!
Who goes into the battle
with a song in the chest?
Who will never betray
his friend in the fight?
(chorus again)
Who so bravely gives
his life for the people?
Who stays remembered
in memory and songs?
RIP Ljubiša "Mauzer" Savić (1958-2000)