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Seré feliç

He d'aprendre a viure i tornar a començar.
Viure en silenci, ser invisible, no em farà avançar.
Després miro l'altra gent i veig que em miren diferent...
I vull canviar
és l'hora, m'he de despertar.
Vull ser feliç, vull viure així,
assaborir cada segon;
vull compartir-lo i ser feliç.
Hi ha tantes coses per aprendre,
tants moments per disfrutar,
la vida sempre va sumant
el que tens i el que has donat.
(Nai no nai no naaa, no nai no nai no naaa...)
Puc triar plantar-me aquí, sóc lliure d'escollir.
Equivocar-me em pot servir
per anar aprenent molt més,
si segueixo el meu cor segur que no patiré per res.
I a cada pas, hi haurà una altra oportunitat.
No gastaré ni un dia més a lamentar-me
o seure a descansar
I a cada pas meu que em permeti avançar
cap al futur amb confiança i llibertat...
Seré feliç! Seré feliç!
I jo viuré, sobreviuré, seré feliç! (4x)
Tinc les ganes de guanyar! Tantes ganes de lluitar!
Sobreviuré! Seré feliç!
Hi ha tantes coses per aprendre! Tants moments per disfrutar!
Sobreviuré! Seré feliç!
Ara viuré i sobreviuré! No penso defallir!
Sobreviuré! Seré feliç!
Si viure són quatre dies! Deixa tot i vine amb mi!
Sobreviuré! Seré feliç!
Ballaré amb la rumba catalana tota la nit!
Sobreviuré! Seré feliç!
Ara viuré i sobreviuré, i al teu costat!

I will be happy

I must learn how to live, start afresh,
living in silence, being invisible will not make me move forward.
Then I look at the others and I can see they look at me in a different way
And I want to change
It is time, I must wake up
I want to be happy, I want to live like this,
savoring every second;
I want to share it and be happy.
There are so many things to learn,
so many moments to enjoy,
life always sums
what you have and what you have given.
(Nay noh nay noh nah, noh nay noh nay noh nah)
I can decide to surrender here, I am free to choose
Making mistakes can help me
learn many new things on the way
If I follow my heart I am sure I will not suffer for anything.
And, with each step, there will be one more chance.
I will not waste one more day complaining
o sitting down to rest
And, with every step of mine that allows me to move
toward the future with confidence and freedom...
I will be happy! I will be happy!
And I will live, I will survive, I will be happy! (4x)
I really want to win! Such an intense desire to struggle!
I will survive! I will be happy!
There are so many things to learn! So many moments to enjoy!
I will survive! I will be happy!
I will now live, I will survive! I have no intention to lose my heart!
I will survive! I will be happy!
Life is so short! (lit: life lasts four days). Give up everything and come with me!
I will survive! I will be happy!
I will dance Catalan rumba all night long!
I will survive! I will be happy!
I will now live, I will survive, and I'll do it by your side!
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