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  • Frații Petreuș

    Așa beau oamenii buni → traduzione in Inglese

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Așa beau oamenii buni

Ei, așe be oamenii buni,
Așe be oamenii buni,
De sâmbătă până luni,
De sâmbătă până luni.
Ei, așe be oamenii dragi,
Așe be oamenii dragi,
De sâmbătă până marți,
De sâmbătă până marți.
Ei, așe beu care-s ca noi,
Așe beu care-s ca noi,
De sâmbătă până joi,
De sâmbătă până joi.
Ei, de n-ar si horincă-n sat,
De n-ar si horincă-n sat,
Niciodată n-aș si bat,
Niciodată n-aș si bat.
Ei, dar așă horincă este,
Dar așă horincă este,
Eu la lume-s de poveste,
Eu la lume-s de poveste.
Păi că mă povestesc în sat,
Că mă povestesc în sat
C-am băut și iar îs bat,
C-am băut și iar îs bat.
Că mă povestesc în sat
C-am băut și iar îs bat.

This is how the good men drink

Hey, this is how the good men drink,
This is how the good men drink,
From Saturday to Monday,
From Saturday to Monday.
Hey, this is how the beloved men drink,
This is how the beloved men drink,
From Saturday to Tuesday,
From Saturday to Tuesday.
Hey, this is how the ones who are like us drink,
This is how the ones who are like us drink
From Saturday to Thursday,
From Saturday to Thursday.
Hey, if there wasn't any horinca in the village,
If there wasn't any horinca in the village,
I would never be drunk,
I would never be drunk.
Hey, but the horinca is so tasty,
But the horinca is so tasty,
Everyone is talking about me,
Everyone is talking about me.
So they talk about me in the village,
they talk about me in the village,
that I've drunk and that I am drunk
that I've drunk and that I am drunk
They talk about me in the village
that I've drunk and that I am drunk.
CalusarulCalusarul    Gio, 28/06/2012 - 12:17

I took a look at Ducu Bertzi's page, because he is from that area (Maramureș) and he also sings some of those songs in a folk (not 100% traditional) manner, but I discovered nothing. So, you might be right about getting Alzheimer :P
I don't know, maybe you thought about translating the song and then got carried away by something else. Or maybe there's some other singer from that area that also sings it and I can't remember his/her name. Or maybe you're confusing this song with another one about drinking like "Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu" or "Pelin beau, pelin mănânc".
You know, the days of the week are capitalized in English.

CalusarulCalusarul    Gio, 28/06/2012 - 12:21

dar așă horincă este = but the fact is that there is horincă / but the horinca is so fine / but there is such a good horinca

CalusarulCalusarul    Gio, 28/06/2012 - 12:24

I solved the mistery: read my last comment on your French translation. There was an English translation, but somebody didn't like it :) So (my) comments seem to be useful sometimes.
P.S. I'm glad you don't have Alzheimer.

   Gio, 28/06/2012 - 14:26

Me too :-) I didn't read the comments under the French translation anymore...Should have done it...Now I remember who it was who translated it actually...and she probably removed it after some of us were criticizing her...But you didn't see my horinca-mistake in French (or should I have found different possible translations for this at the time...?)...

CalusarulCalusarul    Gio, 28/06/2012 - 15:09

You hadn't read my comments?!? That's very bad for you. You get a warning this time. Next time, you'll get a 10% LT salary cut-off for three months.
I hadn't noticed the horinca mistake either, so you can give me a warning too.
I also didn't notice another mistake:
Că [ei] mă povestesc în sat = they talk (gossip) about me in the village. It goes for the French version too. :)

   Gio, 28/06/2012 - 21:38

Well, I had read your comments at the time I had translated it. I always read your comments.
But...I didn't read them again today...:-) The second mistake is a remaining of the first version in French I corrected following your advises, but I forgot to copy-paste from the previous verse...
Can I have some "delay" for my homework... I was good at postponing homework about 10 years ago :P

CalusarulCalusarul    Gio, 28/06/2012 - 21:59

Sure you can have any delay. I took care of the English version and convinced my sister to translate that too. Did your dog use to eat your homework too?

   Gio, 28/06/2012 - 22:27

No, actually...I was the last chance for the others to make teachers postpone homework and tests...
So there were different reasons : Or I had spent too much time doing the others' homework and I forgot to make my own (happened several times) and then I "swore" that "I really had made it but I probably forgot to put it in my schoolbag..."
Or the others didn't want to study on a beautiful afternoon (you have to enjoy beautiful days here ;-)) and so they asked me to tell the teacher that I didn't understand anything, that it should be better if he explained it once more before the test...(while I actually understood) And as I looked very innocent and I almost always had the highest grades, they always believed me...because they had in mind that "if I didn't understand, no one did and everyone would fail..." Tu vois, avant de d'être presque exclusivement à ton service ici, je l'ai été pour nombreux d'autres :-)