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  • Alkistis Protopsalti

    Βενζινάδικο → traduzione in Inglese

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Gas Station (Kusta’s Ring Dance)

Let me have on some heaven's cloud
just one petty gas station;
in the void sticking my neck out
for my wrongful star's privation,
scrap the hearts and cast'em out
in the body's condemnation
Bring me lots of glasses
and break them all in bits
cut the final kiss
I want to hit it up
The lot of your favours
to me delayed a lot
and the fool I've shot
in heaven without sup
And I may even forget
returning to this world's itches,
I am a dead weight inert
for the time of the gypsies
Flames and hearts scrap cast'em out;
God's on top an unfair creation;
let me be on some heaven's cloud
in an olden gas station
If I could on some heaven's cloud x2
just my soul have stoopin' up
and with lightnings to work around
all the aches I was scoopin' up
maybe then I could turn around
my distress and whoop it up
(repeat chorus verses 2-5)
Testi originali


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