Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Özlem Tekin

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It is not worth it

Today the nature doesnt have a balance
Lets not take everything personal
Whether i cry or get mad it wouldnt be appropriate
We started lets not leave it half way
I m not finished with you yet, i wont be finished anyway
This love didnt see the day light, it wont see it anyway
It was not worth telling you, it wont be worth anyway
Nobody loved you like i do, nobody ever can anyway
There is no point of being left without you
Lets not keep drinking and making this a big issue
In love silence has no worth
Lets not run away and hide
Without love the life is tasteless
Lets not get obsessed with this mortal world
There is no point of feeling down inside
Lets not love, curse and break up
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