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  • Bushido

    Dieser eine Wunsch → traduzione in Inglese

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Dieser eine Wunsch

Brother this is going to be my last letter
You know I only write it for you
And in every line you read how affected I am
Nothing is for eternity
And still I am asking why God
Took you away from my life so early
A thousand questions worrying me every day
Reprovals taking my sleep every night
I swear I can’t take it anymore
And I feel that you understand my feelings
Please dry my tears
I write from deep within and your photo stands right next to the bed
I light a candle every night
I’ve never been the kind of guy who spoke prayers every day
But it changes when you recognize how short life is
I swear to you I can still hear your laughter
Back then I often said that your grimaces are annoying me
D*mn I’m so f*cked up
I miss you, sliding my fingers accross your face on the photo
If God can only grant me this wish
To see you once more
Can you see my tears, d*mn we’re finished
How much would I like to take you in my arms again
I can’t take it how should I stand in front of your grave
If God can only grant me this wish
To see you once more
Can you see my tears the way I am just fighthing
ich schaff es nicht ich will dich nicht im sarg sehn
Your funeral, the worst day in my whole live
Candles were all around
And I felt so sorry for your mother
She was in tears, your father took her in his arms
And your little sister, she didn’t yet get it
But your big brother did, his face was pale
There have been so many people who I didn’t know
Your aunts, relatives and aquiantances came
Do you realize how much we are missing you, tell me, do you feel the grief
Can you see the way our boys are grieving
And believe me we’re not partying that much anymore
No wish for standing around in the evenings
No day passes on which we don’t think of you
I have lost my friend and no distant person
ich vermiss dich man ich hoff nur das du uns von oben sehen kannst
I wake up bathed in sweat
Yes, again this dream, both of us sitting on the couch
You looked at me contented aftewards we went outside
For a walk but everything was grey
One couldn’t see the sun because it was too dark
You have asked so many times, did our boys stand at the coffin
White flowers and the sky was colored cyan
Maybe I wasn’t far wary from paradise
Really, I wanted to say so much but I couldn’t
That’s why I wrote this song for you
(very unstructured grammar.. I guess: ) can you hear me
Could you hear me standing at the grave
Could you hear me through this glass wall
I swear I haven’t left youi
No you haven’t been alone
You looked like an angel, your face was free
Carefree, free from pain, we miss you so much
It’s becoming too much
Testi originali

Dieser eine Wunsch

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