Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Tiziano Ferro

    L'olimpiade → traduzione in Inglese

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Your anger offensively goes off and it is blind, it doesn't know
It doesn't know how strong you are
But you keep on talking about the storm that will blow
And if it does, you don't go beyond
But repeat to yourself every day
"I do everything I can
I am a really tough guy, a great ace"
Are you feeling better now?
Get in shape and look up
And give more from inside
You start your most daring race
The game must be played
With infinite effort
Fatti forza e la vita sai che ti sfida
Ti invita a duellare con lei
Forse vinci e mollerai
Magari invece riderai
E sbagli e affoghi ma poi riuscirai
In questa grande olimpiade
Di me, di te, dell'anima!
Jump over
The distance that separates your dreams from the reality
Burn it, speed up and it goes...make the tyres screech!!
Pass to the right, be careful at the curves it's risky, we know it
The spin right round is very easy to do
But you push the accelerator
All the way
You are a real
Tough nut
A great ace/pilot
Gas fit to burst
And you leave fourth now
I die but I don't lose!
You're making a promise!
Hit your chest with your fist
Swear shouting!
I fall but I don't give up!
You'll laugh winning
And you'll know that what you have you owe it to yourself!
Testi originali


Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Italiano)

Per favore aiutaci a tradurre “L'olimpiade”
Tiziano Ferro: 3 più popolari
Idioms from "L'olimpiade"
Marci32Marci32    Mer, 02/03/2016 - 11:41

nem igazán pontos a fordítás itt azt érti.. hogy vegye erősebbre a haragját tehát fokozza.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Ven, 12/08/2016 - 22:05

The base lyrics have been altered, please check if your translation needs any update.