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  • Worship Songs - Various Religions

    Ah, Lord God → traduzione in Spagnolo

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Ah, Lord God

Ah, Lord God, Thou has made the heavens
And the earth by Thy great power:
Ah, Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens
And the earth by Thine out stretched hand.
Nothing is impossible with thee
Nothing is impossible with thee
Great and mighty God
Great in power and mighty in deed
Nothing, Nothing, absolutely nothing
Nothing is impossible with Thee
(Isaiah 40:12)

Ah, Señor Dios

Ah, Señor Dios, has hecho los cielos y la tierra por Tu gran poder
Ah, Señor Dios, has hecho los cielos y la tierra por Tu mano extendida
Nada es imposible para Tí
Nada es imposible para Tí
Grande y poderoso Dios
Grande en poder y poderoso en obras
Nada, nada absolutamente nada
Nada es imposible para Tí
Isaías 40:12
Worship Songs - Various Religions: 3 più popolari
Idioms from "Ah, Lord God"