Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Max Cinnamon

    Ailleurs → traduzione in Inglese

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On se trouve au milieu de la foule
En mode pause, on reste immobile face aux gens qui coulent
Je balance mon esprit suspendu, suspendu à tes mots
Qui nous fait gagner des heures perdues
Et si, ton regard était là comme ça sans conséquence ?
Et si, c’était des sentiments, et des liens qui commencent ?
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
Combien de temps on passera, les yeux dans les yeux toi et moi
Cos we’d be on fire, ensemble on peut s’en aller ailleurs
Yeah dancing till the night is over
Nos gestes sont les mêmes au même moment
Y’a quelque chose qui passe entre nous comme un courant
À parler, à rester face à face
Ce que l’on dit de toi, devient du vent qui s’en va qui s’efface
Et si je pouvais compter pour toi plus qu’un autre
Et si, ton sourire était seulement celui d’une amie, rien de plus
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
Combien de temps on passera, les yeux dans les yeux toi et moi
Cos we’d be on fire, ensemble on peut s’en aller ailleurs
Yeah dancing till the night is (echo)
Courir pieds nus dans le sable
Are we becoming one body?
Essayons d’assembler nos âmes
Danser au rythme des flammes
Our souls melting, combining
Comme si on était ailleurs
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
Combien de temps on passera, les yeux dans les yeux toi et moi
Cos we’d be on fire, ensemble on peut s’en aller ailleurs
Yeah dancing till the night is over


We're finding ourselves in the middle of the crowd
In rest mode, we stay motionless facing the people flowing
My suspended mind swings, suspended to your words
That makes us gain lost hours
And what if your look was here like that, with no consequence ?
And what if these were feelings, and ties that were appearing ?
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
How much time will we spend eyes in eyes, you and me
Cos we'd be on fire, together we can go elsewhere
Yeah dancing till the night is over
Our movements are the same at the same moment
There is something going between us like a current/stream
Talking, staying face to face
What they say about you, becomes wind that goes and wears away
And what if I could count for you more than another one
And what if your smile was only a friend's one, and nothing else.
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
How much time will we spend eyes in eyes, you and me
Cos we'd be on fire, together we can go elsewhere
Yeah dancing till the night is (echo)
Running barefoot in the sand
Are we becoming one body ?
Let's try to assemble our souls
To dance to the rythm of flames
Our souls melting, combining
Like if we were elsewhere
And what if, we went on dancing till the moon and the stars came out
And we followed our hearts, making way through the cheering crowds
How much time will we spend eyes in eyes, you and me
Cos we'd be on fire, together we can go elsewhere
Yeah dancing till the night is over