Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Emrah

    Aklımda Bir Tek Sen Varsın → traduzione in Inglese

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Aklımda Bir Tek Sen Varsın

Uzun zaman gecti kollarim bombos
Yanimda degilsin yüregim sarhos
Aklimda birtek sen bir tek sen varsin
Gel artik tek carem feryadima kos
Dayanmak cok zormus bu ayriliga
Isyan ediyorum yanlizligima
Aklimda birtek sen bir tek sen varsin
Katlanamiyorum ne olur anla
Cözüm degil inan sensiz hicbir sey
Anlamsiz günlerim anlamsiz hersey
Aklimda birtek sen birtek sen varsin
Sensiz care degil caresiz her sey
Dayanmak cok zormus bu ayriliga
Isyan ediyorum yanlizligima
Aklimda birtek sen bir tek sen varsin
Katlanamiyorum ne olur anla

It's just you on my mind

A lot of time has passed, my arms are very empty
You are not behind me, my heart is drunk
On my mind is only one, it is only you
Come already, you are the only solution for my outcrying, run
It was very hard to go through this separation
I revolt against my loneliness
On my mind is only one, it is only you
I cant bear it, please, understand
There is no solution, believe me, there is nothing without you
My days are meaningless, everything is meaningless
On my mind is only one, it is only you
Without you there is no solution, everything is helpless
It was very hard to go through this separation
I revolt against my loneliness
On my mind is only one, it is only you
I cant bear it, please, understand
ErcanErcan    Mar, 01/01/2013 - 17:07

Rica ederim ;) Turkceniz de guzelmis .

   Mar, 01/01/2013 - 18:59

Tesekkurler. Turkce ogrenmeyi calisiyorum.