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I love you, I need you
Give me more, feed me
I love you, I need you so much
Feed me, give me more
I must always, always eat
I am obsessed with food
I eat everything
but it must be young and crispy
it should be tender
Preferably without bones
and it must be fresh
because then you don't need to cook it, no you don't
I love you, I need you
Give me more, feed me
I love you, I need you,
Feed me, give me more
Tender peas, young beans
Sometimes live in my belly
Calves, piglets and fine lambs
and there starts the dilemma,
small fawns, fat chicks
and there starts the fascination
I eat like a pig
Stuff everything in me
I love you, I need you
Give me more, feed me
I love you, I need you
and everything goes better with music
omnivore, omnivore*
omnivore, omnivore
omnivore, omnivore
omnivore, omnivore
I eat, eat, eat, eat
shove it all in my face
Pets, meat, my own pain
but it must be tender and crispy
Fresh animals, sometimes cake
sometimes my mouth allows
old things, I don't eat them
every day young meals
I love you, I need you
Give me more, feed me
I love you, I need you,
and everything goes better with music
omnivore, omnivore*
omnivore, omnivore
omnivore, omnivore
omnivore, omnivore
Omnivore, omnivore,
I love you
Omnivore, omnivore
I need you so much
Omnivore, Omnivore
Feed me
Omnivore, Omnivore
Give me more
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Raccolte con "Allesfresser"
Lindemann: 3 più popolari
buzzbomb711buzzbomb711    Mer, 01/01/2020 - 07:43

In English, a slightly more accurate word would be "overeater" or better yet "glutton" as opposed to "pig" for the colloquial meaning of Allesfresser. "Pig" works but it is a vague derogatory term with multiple possible meanings beyond gustatory issues.