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  • Riblja Čorba

    Andjelija, čuvaj se Turaka → traduzione in Inglese

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Andjelija, čuvaj se Turaka

Nebo vedro, sunce sija
ovce čuva Anđelija
od večere do uranka
čeka svoga hajduk Janka
Puca bubanj, pišti surla
ide vojska, Turčin urla
Anđu 'vata preko vrata
Anđelija, čuvaj se Turaka
Kad to videh hajduk Janko
cijugnuo junak tanko
spasi Anđu, jal' pogini
na prolećnoj mesečini
Upotrebom svoje snage
ubio je dve, tri age
na livadi ispod brega
ubio je dva, tri bega
Tu se Anđa sa njim združi
pa mu bele ruke pruži
odvede ga put planina
da mu rodi jednog sina
Anđelija, čuvaj se Turaka

Anđelija, beware of the Turks

The sky is clear, the sun shines
Anđelija is protecting the sheep
from the evening to the morning
she's waiting for her hajduk Janko
The drum is firing, the trumpet is whistling
the army is coming, the Turk is roaring
he holds Anđa by the throat
Anđelija, beware of the Turks
When haiduk Janko saw that
the hero snorted thinly
save Anđa, or die
under the spring moonlight
With the use of his strength
he killed two, three agas*
on a field under the shore
he killed two, three begas*
There Anđa unites with him
and lends him her white hands
she took him away to the mountains
to birth him a son
Anđelija, beware of the Turks
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