to be commonplace

Pubblicato da Konanen 2018-06-16
  • Modo di dire: to be commonplace
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Idiomatic translations / simili: Tedesco
  • Explained meaning: Inglese
  • Testi che contengono il modo di dire: 2 lyrics

Traduzioni idiomatiche di “to be commonplace”

gang und gäbe sein

Meanings of "to be commonplace"


Something that is usual all around, or in a specific context.

Spiegato da KonanenKonanen il Sab, 16/06/2018 - 18:12
Explained by KonanenKonanen

“to be commonplace” nei testi

Lee Sang Eun - Someday

In young, it had been oblivious to youth
In love, it had seemed to be commonplace
Looking back now though

Amazarashi - Nameless People

Nameless me and nameless you - the ones who could never become anything - washed up in this town, worn-out and tired, and passed right by each other.

Though it was just a little bit too commonplace to be called ''fate'',
I'll still give a name to your bruised up lifestyle.