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    Beate Zschäpe hört U2 → traduzione in Inglese

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Beate Zschäpe hört U2

[Part 1:]
In jedem Provinznest gibt es ein paar Kneipen
Die irgendwas mit „Deutsch“, „Heimat“ oder „Adler“ heißen
An ihren Theken sitzen überall die selben Hurensöhne
Sie fordern sowas wie den Volksentscheid auf Bundesebene
Du musst ein Deutscher sein, wenn du in diese Kneipen gehst
Und immerzu betonen, dass es den Deutschen scheiße geht
Sie würden überfremdet, weil Flüchtlinge kämen
Die alle kriminell sind und sich nicht benehmen
Es wär so schrecklich, denn Oma ihre Rente
Fällt nun angeblich irgendwelchen Roma in die Hände
Und aufgrund inländerfeindlicher Familienpolitik
Wünscht man sich Eva Hermann oder gleich Hitler zurück
Zwischen Schnaps und Bier wird der Hass geschürt
Der sich auf jeden Fall mit einem Knall entladen wird
Denn heute dreschen sie noch Stammtischparolen
Doch morgen haben sie Sprengstoff und scharfe Pistolen
Und Günter Grass schreibt ein neues Gedicht
Und Beate Zschäpe hört U2
Und MaKss Damage landet ´nen Hit
Und Beate Zschäpe hört U2
Und aus dem Jenseits lacht Jürgen Möllemann
Und der Holger Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm
Und Max Mustermann zündet ein Flüchtlingsheim an
Deutschland, Deutschland du tüchtiges Land
[Part 2:]
In jeder Stadt gibt es ein paar elendige Nazis
Die versuchen ihren Gegnern das Leben schwerzumachen
Ich kenn das Gefühl, wenn ständig vor der Tür
Kameraden auf dich warten und dich terrorisieren
Ich erinner‘ mich bis heute, das Klirren der Scheiben
Gemischt mit schrillen Schreien, riss mich aus den Träumen
Ich war mir sicher, dass sie diesmal in der Wohnung sind
Stieg aus dem Fenster um über den Balkon zu fliehen
In Todesangst saß ich auf dem Giebel
Den Griechen haben sie gejagt und gestiefelt
Sie hatten vor der Tür gewartet diese Schweine
Und als die Tür dann aufging hagelte es Steine
Sie haben unseren Tod in Kauf genommen
Nur durch ein Wunder sind die Jungs da nochmal rausgekommen
Aber nächstes Mal könnte das anders ausgehen
Ich beschloss in eine andere Stadt umzuziehen
[Part 3:]
Jeder kennt einen der von Verschwörung schwadroniert
Und er weiß wer die Medien und Börsen kontrolliert
Dem es leichtfällt die Welt in Gut und Böse zu sortieren
Und er kennt auch immer eine simple Lösung des Problems
Zu Verschwörungstheorien gehören Vernichtungsfantasien
Sie können sagen was sie wollen, sie sind schlicht Antisemiten
All die Pseudo-Gesellschaftskritiker
Die Elsässer, KenFM-Weltverbesserer
Nichts als Hetzer in deutscher Tradition
Die den Holocaust nicht leugnen, sie deuten ihn um
Die Nazis von heute sind friedensbewegt
Und sie sind sehr um Palästina bemüht
Sie sind tierlieb, doch sie wollen Kinderschänder lynchen
Und sie wissen dass die Chefs der Welt im Hinterzimmer sitzen
Man kann und darf mit diesen Leuten gar nicht mehr reden
Es sollte nur darum gehen ihnen das Handwerk zu legen

Beate Zschäpe listens to U2

[Part 1:]
In every provincial city there's a few pubs
Whose names have something to do with "German," "Homeland," or "Eagle"
It's always the same sons of bitches sitting at their counters
They support things like referendums on a federal level
You've got to be a German if you go to these pubs
And constantly emphasise that the Germans have it bad
They feel there's too much foreigners because the refugees came
All of whom are criminals and don't know how to act
It must be so terrible, because grandma's pension
Apparently ends up in the hands of some Roma
And because of family policies that are unfriendly towards the Germans
You'd wish to have Eva Hermann1 or even Hitler back
Between schnapps and beer they fuel their hate
And it's bound to go out with a bang
Because today they just wave banners around
But tomorrow they have explosives and guns
And Günter Grass2 writes a new poem
And Beate Zschäpe3 listens to U2
And MaKss Damage4 writes a hit song
And Beate Zschäpe listens to U2
And Jürgen Möllemann5 laughs from the other side
And the Holger Apfel6 doesn't fall far from the tree
And Max Mustermann7 burns down a refugee home
Germany, Germany, you virtuous land
[Part 2:]
In every city there's a few miserable nazis
Who try to make the lives of those who disagree with them hard
I know the feeling when fascists
constantly stand in front of your door, trying to terrorize you
I remember it as if it were yesterday, the the clangor of breaking windowpanes
Mixed with shrill screams woke me from my dreams
I was sure that they managed to get into the apartment this time
Went out the window to escape over the balcony
I sat on the gable, scared to death
They hunted down and kicked the Greek
These pigs waited for him in front of the door
And as the door opened they threw stones
They counted on our deaths
It's a miracle that the boys made it out alive
But next time it could go differently
I decided to move to another city
[Part 3:]
Everyone knows somebody who goes on and on about conspiracy theories
And knows who controls the media and stock exchange
It's easy for him to tell good apart from bad
And he always knows a simple solution to the problem
Conspiracy theories go hand in hand with extermination fantasies
They can say whatever they want, they're simply antisemites
All the pseudo-society critics
The Elsässer8, KenFM9-like world-fixers
Nothing but agitators in German tradition
Who don't deny the Holocaust, but rather re-interpret it
Today's nazis are a peace movement
And they care a lot about Palestine
They love animals, and want to hang child molesters
And they know that the rulers of the world work from the shadows
You neither can nor should talk to these people
You should simply cut them off
  • 1. Eva Hermann was the host of the ARD daily news, mentioned here because she made a comment about the Third Reich saying that "it wasn't all that bad".
  • 2. Günter Grass is a German writer. Mentioned here because of a poem he wrote where he criticised Israel's military policies.
  • 3. Beate Zschäpe is a right-wing extremist and memeber of the National Socialist Underground (NSU).
  • 4. MaKss Damage is a German right-wing rapper.
  • 5. Jürgen Möllemann is a politician of the FDP party who made quite a few antisemitic comments. He died in 2003 in a parachuting accident.
  • 6. Ex-federal chairman of the NPD party. His last name- Apfel- literally means "apple," which makes for a nice pun.
  • 7. Name for the "run-of-the-mill German citizen," equivalent to John Smith or Jane Doe.
  • 8. Jürgen Elsässer is a journalist and editor of Monatsmagazin Compact, where he publishes conspiracy theories.
  • 9. KenFM was a radio show by Ken Jebsen, where he expressed antisemitic views.
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Antilopen Gang: 3 più popolari
   Mar, 16/02/2016 - 02:19
returnofthejewdi ha scritto:

Günter Grass is a German writer. Mentioned here because of a poem he wrote about Israel, where he showed his antisemitic tendencies.

Günter Grasses poem did not show any "antisemitic tendencies". It was just critical with german arms shipments to Israel and Israel's military policies (precisely: their uncontrolled handling of nuclear arms)

   Mar, 16/02/2016 - 02:54

>"I know the feeling when your peers constantly stand in front of your door, trying to terrorize you"
Meant by "Kameraden" (-> here translated as "peers") are the fascists, because that's what they would call themselves

>"das Klirren der Scheiben" =
the clangor of breaking windowpanes

>"kicked the Greeks" = kicked the Greek (singular)

   Mar, 16/02/2016 - 14:00

Thank you so much for the corrections!! I'll update my translation.
As for Günter Grass, I thought of just writing that he criticised Israel, but that wouldn't explain why he was included in the song. The writers must've interpreted his poem as antisemitic- otherwise they wouldn't have put him with people like Holger Apfel and Jürgen Möllemann. I'll change the wording of my explanation to remain more neutral.

   Mar, 16/02/2016 - 14:18

The matter is, that he was critizised being antisemitic, by the German Jewish Council.
They scold everybody being "antisemitic", who critizises Israel's policy, as an automatic reflex in these politically critical times.
I studied his "poem" thoroughly and could not detect any antisemitism.
Rather more the opposite. He says he basically likes Israel und the Israeli people.
But if you are a friend, you should be allowed to critizise a friend, as long as it is in a factual manner.