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  • José Ángel Buesa

    Canción de la lluvia → traduzione in Inglese

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Canción de la lluvia

Acaso esté lloviendo también en tu ventana;
acaso esté lloviendo calladamente así...
y mientras anochece de pronto la mañana,
yo sé que, aunque no quieras, vas a pensar en mí
Y tendrá un sobresalto tu corazón tranquilo,
sintiendo que despierta la ternura de ayer;
y si estabas cosiendo, se hará un nudo el hilo
y aún lloverá en tus ojos, al dejar de llover

The rain song

Perhaps it too is raining on your window;
perhaps it too rains just as quietly...
and as quickly as night turns to day,
I know that, although you don't want to, you'll think of me.
And your calm heart will be startled,
feeling a previous tenderness awaken,
and if you're sowing, the thread will knot up
and your eyes will still rain1 when the rain has stopped.
  • 1. you will still cry, the rain will won't disguise it
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