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  • Vicentico

    Carta a un joven poeta → traduzione in Inglese

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Letter to a young poet

If you go away from home
What's yours
And keep it to the end
I have so much respect
For your love to the road
That I know
I can only wait
I saw you
I felt you
There's no path
You can't find
I know about your love
For freedom
And I follow you
From home to the end
If you ever get lost
You already know
That I save your place
For when you want to come back
I have so many memories
And even if you go far away
I give them to you
So that you can come back
I saw you
I felt you
There's no path
You can't find
I know about your love
For freedom
And I follow you
From home to the end
Testi originali

Carta a un joven poeta

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