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  • Deniz Toprak

    Cemberimde gül oya → traduzione in Inglese

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Cemberimde gül oya

Çemberimde Gül Oya,
Gülmedim Doya Doya.
Dertleri Karıyorum,
Günleri Saya Saya.
Al Beni Kıyamam Seni.
Pembe Gül İdim Soldum,
Ak Güle İbret Oldum.
Karşı Karşı Dururken,
Yüzüne Hasret Kaldım.
Al Beni Kıyamam Seni.
Avlu Dibi Beklerim,
Vay! Benim Emeklerim.
Dümbeleği Çala Çala,
Yoruldu Bileklerim.
Al Beni Kıyamam Seni.
[video: width:350 height:250]

The rose embroidery lace on my scarf

(There's) the rose embroidery lace on my scarf
I haven't laughed at all (fully) up enough
I'm blending into the troubles
Keeping to count the days
Take me, I can't stand so may hurt you
I was a pink rose and then I wilted,
I became a lesson to white rose.
While (we were) looking over against each other,
(We was been seeing face to face bf..)
(Now I've missed your face).
I'm left within longing of your face
Take me, I can't hurt you
I wait (for you) next to the yard
Oh my toils, that
Keeping to beat the drum(timpano)
My wrists got tired
Take me, I can't stand so may hurt you
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