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خوابِ نیم‌روزِ حاکم ظالم

یکی از ملوک بی‌انصاف پارسایی را پرسید: «از عبادت‌ها کدام فاضل‌تر است؟» گفت: «تو را خواب نیم‌روز تا در آن یک نفس خلق را نیازاری»
ظالمی را خفته دیدم نیم‌روز
گفتم این فتنه‌ست خوابش برده، بِه
وآنکه خوابش بهتراز بیداری است
آن‌چنان بد زندگانی، مرده بِه

A cruel ruler's afternoon nap

An unjust ruler asked a man of god "What will be the finest act of worship for me?" "The afternoon nap" replied the pious man"Since you don't hurt people a heartbeat!"1
I saw a cruel one sleeping in the middle of the day
"this one better sleep than wreaking havoc," I thought
And when one's sleeping is better than being awake
Death suits him much better than living a sinister life
  • 1. Saadi's short stories in Golestan usually don't have a title.They are identified by sequence no. The title is chosen by me
ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    Mar, 27/07/2021 - 15:19

Love it! Can i use your translation since i don't know persian? I will translate it into greek, and perhaps in spanish ( siesta is a spanish word ;) ) . I saw that i need your approval to do so.

   Mar, 27/07/2021 - 15:36

No worries. I understand, you can base your translation on other translations in other languages in LT. All you need to do, is to put a link to that translation in the author's comments section of your translation. Something like "Based on the English translation here 'Link to the English translation' ".