[SOLVED] Irregular grammar, not sure how to translate it to English

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I wanted to translate this French carol https://lyricstranslate.com/en/christmas-carols-peuple-fidele-lyrics.html , but I tripped up here:
"En lui viens reconnaître, ton dieu, ton sauveur."
I haven't seen this grammar construction before, and I'm not exactly sure what it means, hence I cannot translate it.
Some help with this would be appreciated, thanks for reading!

Super Membro
<a href="/it/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Iscritto dal: 10.05.2014

Hey there [@almondcroissant56] :)

If I'm not mistaken and understood the original lyrics correctly, you should read it as such:
En lui / viens reconnaître ton Dieu, ton sauveur
basically meaning "(come to) recognize the Lord, the Savior in him"

I'm not sure how much experience/how familiar you are with religious songs, but I find that, oftentimes, their sentence structures and meanings are peculiar, and not necessarily identical to what would be said in everyday speech. This could, consequently, make the translation process more difficult. (Just putting that out there - not to discourage you at all, just letting you know that you might come across other "weird" constructions or things that might seem odd even if technically correct)

Hoping this helps,
- Torp


Thanks for this, I think I have a better grip on it now and I can translate it.
I'll admit that because I'm not religious I often stumble on the peculiar grammar of religious songs and such. I only chose to translate this song because I think it sounds nice and I listened to the English version when I was little... also it's December
Anyway, thanks for helping and have a good day

Super Membro
<a href="/it/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 </a>
Iscritto dal: 10.05.2014

No worries!

I hope you get through that translation!
If you are unsure and/or want some feedback on it when you're done, you can always request proofreading to get some opinions.

Yes, religious songs are a category on their own ^^
December, indeed! Xmas craziness upcoming :P

Good luck and TTUS,
- Torp