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  • BlechReizPop

    E-Bike Fohrer → traduzione in Inglese

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E-Bike Rider

Finally quitting time, it's here again
Beauty must suffer, I'm ready for it
I swing my muscular body onto my bike
And feel the energy in my calves
Pedal up a hill, I'm unbelievably fit
But today, I can't believe my eyes
A fine gentleman in a suit passes me by
I can already think, "What a mess!"
He is an e-bike rider, an electro-moocher
Everyone thinks he works out, but that's a lie
I've had enough of e-bikers
I'll show this guy I'm number one
Pound down a power bar, this is my last chance
I push on the pedals and catch up to him right away
"Please, sir, leave it be"
But the e-biker moves his hand and switches from 30 to 35 percent
My head keeps getting hotter and pain shoots down my leg
Emergency brake, rubble, and land in the bushes
He is an e-bike rider, an electro-moocher 1
Everyone thinks he works out, but that's a lie
I've had enough of e-bikers
The next day, I've got a doctor's appointment
I think my whole leg is done-for
After the exam, it's certain:
The diagnosis is "ruptured muscle fiber"
You were overly motivated again
And until the muscle regenerates itself
I recommend that you not be dumb:
You should switch to an e-bike instead!
I've caught on, I need an e-bike
But I only want the fastest, please and thank you
With the motor from my buzzsaw and a mobile generator
I'm now the e-bike emperor
Now, I just need a little strength
And I'm full of juice once again
The girls are totally beside themselves
And sing in a chorus just for me:
You are my e-bike rider
You ride from Carinthia to Andorra in one step
Please take me on a bike trip with you
I can't get enough of your e-bike
I've got mountain biker calves and a turbo e-bike
I'm the fastest on the streets and I bewitch all the girls
I'm the king of the road, ha!, I outclass them all
Everybody shout, "E-bike!"
He is an e-bike rider, an electro-moocher
Everyone thinks he works out, but that's a lie
I've had enough of e-bikers
  • 1. Presumably, someone benefitting from the e-bike's battery-powered motor
Testi originali

E-Bike Fohrer

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Tedesco (Austriaco/Bavarese))

BlechReizPop: 3 più popolari
   Dom, 25/07/2021 - 08:01

some suggestions for corrections:
>" Hau mir Powerriegel eini, des is mei große Chance" (edited: große Chance)
>" Notbremsung, Schotter und eini ins Gedax" Schotter -> rubble
>" Die Diagnose lautet Muskelfaserriss" -> rupture of a muscle fiber
>" Doch i wüll nur es Schnöllste, bitte sehr!" -> bitte sehr = s'il vous plaît
>"Nimm an Motor von der Kreissög " -> buzz saw
>"und verzauber alle Hosn" ... mit "Hosn" (Hasen) girls are meant
>"... foar jeden davon" = I outclass them all, I'm faster than the rest


   Dom, 25/07/2021 - 14:22

Thank you!

The only one I don't quite agree with here is "bitte sehr" > "s'il vous plaît". I suppose "thank you very much" is more often used in a more sarcastic, condescending way, so "please and thank you" might be a better idiomatic translation. I don't know many people who would use the French phrase. Not that they wouldn't understand it, but to me, it would feel a bit out of place.

   Lun, 26/07/2021 - 05:58

I didn't mean to suggest you to use the French term as a translation.
I just used it to make you understand, what he's saying.
Is the English "if you please" equivalent to "s'il vous plaît" ?

"Ich will nur das Schnellste, bitte sehr!"
He is demanding something.
"Je veux le plus rapide, s'il vous plaît ! "
So I think to say "thank you" when you demand something is not really what one would say.
They say "thank you" after they got what they wanted, isn't it?

   Lun, 26/07/2021 - 11:45

Yes, " s'il vous plaît " is equivalent to "if you please", but for some reason (call it intuition, if you will), I feel like just saying "I only want the fastest, please," doesn't quite capture the tone. I've updated the translation to read, "I only want the fastest, please and thank you," which is a phrase we'll sometimes say when making a request. It's not sarcastic like "thank you very much" and I feel like it better captures the feeling of the line.

sandringsandring    Lun, 26/07/2021 - 06:37

Lieber Hansi,

I'm sorry but you can't bluntly compare the use of the so-called protocol expressions like bitte sehr, thank you, s'il vous plaît in different languages. You don't believe that one can say Thank you in a request. Of course, one can, dear. But it turns a request into a demand. Isn't it what bitter sehr is about?

I would have said just "Thank you" not "Thank you very much" the latter sounding too sarcastic but the translator might know better.

Anyway, Hansi, you're talking to a native speaker, mind you. They sometimes know better, dear :)

sandringsandring    Lun, 26/07/2021 - 07:06

Hurray!!! My long-time favourite Thomas Daley has become an Olympic champion!!!! *kiss*

sandringsandring    Lun, 26/07/2021 - 07:49

I'm sure he will if he finds out he has a devoted fan who has been following his diving career since he was 13. That's his first Olympic gold and I wish you knew how much he has done for the British sport.

sandringsandring    Lun, 26/07/2021 - 07:58

Btw, Hansi, I always cheer for German ski jumpers vs Austrian and Norwegian ones despite the fact that some Germans might be unfriendly at times. :)

sandringsandring    Lun, 26/07/2021 - 16:36

I've been just teasing you, dear Hansi. Germans are extremely nice people. I mean it. *heart*