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Somewhere In My Heart

I often hear people say
That love is painful;
But, without love,
Living is so bitter...
This is why I've decided
To search for a love that's all of my own.
I've looked for him everywhere
And I haven't seen him anywhere,
The love that, now, I'm expecting,
The love that I want!
A love that can make me
Feel happy...
I don't have any other songs
To tell him that I love him;
That he is
All the joy that grows
Within me.
If love leaves
The sky turns grey
My garden,
My street...
And this love, does it fade away?
Among other shadows,
Other loves
Withered yesterday,
Withered long ago,
Somewhere in my heart!
I don't know how his eyes are,
Nor whether my eyes would tell him
Those things that inspire
To live with someone.
But he awakens a fire within my body
And longing is burning me!
Let him come, then,
And may he be sweet
Somewhere in my heart!
Somewhere in my heart...
Testi originali

En algun lloc del meu cor (Someone To Watch Over Me)

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Maria del Mar Bonet: 3 più popolari
   Mar, 02/02/2021 - 22:15

Thank you very much for pointing that out! I've already corrected it.

Have a lovely evening, my dear friend! :)