Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Marcelo Jeneci

    Felicidade → traduzione in Inglese

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There will be one day you won't be happy
You'll feel* the air without moving, without desiring as before always wanted
You'll laugh, without realizing, happiness is just a matter of being
When it rains, it let to wet for receiving the sun when it goes back
You'll remember the days you missed without seeing the light
If you cry, crying is in vain because the days goes to never
It's better live, honey, because there is a place where the sun shines to you.
Cry, smile too and after go dancing, in the rain, when the rain comes.
It's better to live, honey, because there is a place where the sun shines to you.
To cry, to smile too and after go dancing, in the rain, when the rain comes.
There are times the things weigh more than we think can to hold on.
At this time, hold on, because all this will pass.
You'll laugh, without realizing, happiness is just a matter of being
When it rains, it let to wet for receiving the sun when it goes back
It's better to live, honey, because there is a place where the sun shines to you.
Cry, smile too and after go dancing, in the rain, when the rain comes.
It's better live, honey, because there is a place where the sun shines to you.
To cry, to smile too and after go dancing, in the rain, when the rain comes.
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