Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • António Zambujo

    Folhetim → traduzione in Inglese

  • 6 translations of covers
    Francese 1, 2, Inglese 1, 2, 3, Russo
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If you will,
I'm one of those women
That only say yes
For one reason or another
A good evening out
A movie, a pub
And if you should have income,
I accept a gift
Anything like this:
Like a false stone,
A Sonho de Valsa (chocolate bonbon)
Or a cut of satin
And I will meet your desires
I'll tell half-truths
Always in the half-light
And I'll make you proud
To suppose that you are the greatest
And that you have me
But the next morning
Don't you count to twenty
Keep away from me!
Because you're not worth anything anymore
You're a turned page
Discarded from my booklet.
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