On Moving Videos in Translations

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Revisore & Super Member
<a href="/it/translator/lyricalmiracle" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1395191">LyricalMiracle <div class="editor_icon" title="Revisore" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 05.09.2018
Pending moderation

Hey guys,

This has been bothering me for a while now and was wondering if a new feature could be implemented. So we all know on translations you can click on the video so it plays while you read the translations but it's always bothered me how the video doesnt follow you when you scroll down (it's in a fixed position at the top or bottom of the page) so that way you can watch the video and read the translations at every line of the translation. I would love if LT would provide an option for it to follow you. Maybe put it on the right hand-side and while you scroll down it stays there and scrolls with you.

Thank you!

Revisore in pensione (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*・゚✧
<a href="/it/translator/lizzzard" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1241111">Lizzzard </a>
Iscritto dal: 01.04.2015

Do you want to improve this feature?
It seems that video does not scroll along with the page. is there any problem with this?

Moderatore 🔮​🇧​​🇮​​🇩​​🇽​​🇦​​🇦​❜
<a href="/it/translator/citl%C4%81licue" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1109697">citlālicue <div class="moderator_icon" title=" Moderador" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 31.03.2012

I'm using this page as an example: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/lisa-unlasting-lyrics.html

Click on the 'Play' button: https://imgur.com/UhoP80z
The video will pop up and you can scroll down the lyrics as you listen to the song.

Revisore & Super Member
<a href="/it/translator/lyricalmiracle" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1395191">LyricalMiracle <div class="editor_icon" title="Revisore" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 05.09.2018

Hey guys, sorry I'm confused, the video playing is all great just wish the video would scroll with the cursor as you read on the page :)