Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Kian Pourtorab

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I'll put my head down
There was nothing around here for me
Trying doesn't always work
Sometimes it remains without a conclusion
Don't make me satisfied to stay
There's no path left for me besides leaving
Don't tell the reason for it to anyone
Let them say he left and gave up
Let whatever happened be in the past
Let whatever we built always be near you
Tonight I'll leave it all behind
I'll leave this city that became unfamiliar
I promise you
Wherever I may be
All of my thoughts are with you
Even though I'm not there, I'm near to you
I promise you
I promise
Maybe this separation has something to say within it
That will pick me up and take me away
Maybe the whole city will say that I made a mistake
But there's no difference for me
I know it's not your fault and not my fault
Talking about it has no purpose anymore
Maybe one day this separation will let us
Let us be together again
Maybe one day this separation will let us be together again
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