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  • Joan Dausà

    I no tocava a terra → traduzione in Inglese

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I no tocava a terra

Torna enrere si et fa falta.
Gira el cap si mai et cansa
aquest camí
ple de formes i maneres,
oh, tan estranyes com tu eres
abans d'ahir.
No encengueu els llums encara
i allargueu-me l'abraçada
fins a la nit.
Que vull veure si em coneixes
i em fas creure que existeixes
només aquí.
I ahir, tornant de casa teva,
vaig sentir que el món
girava tan de pressa…
I saltava d'un fanal
a l'altre, com si res,
i no tocava a terra.
Oh, no em miris així...
Amor, és cert
que no tocava a terra.
Guarda per demà la calma
i ara salta aquesta barana
i vine amb mi
que parlarem de les nits fredes
d'estrelles i planetes
i aquest desig.
I ahir, tornant de casa teva,
vaig sentir que el món
girava tan de pressa…
I saltava d'un fanal
a l'altre, com si res,
i no tocava a terra.
Oh, no em miris així...
Amor, és cert
que no tocava a terra.
I ahir, tornant de casa teva,
vaig sentir que el món
girava tan de pressa…
I saltava d'un fanal
a l'altre, com si res,
i no tocava a terra.
Oh, no em miris així...
Amor, és cert
que no tocava a terra.

And I Didn’t Touch the Ground

Go back if you need to.
Turn your head if you ever get tired
Of this path
Full of forms and manners
Oh, as strange as you were
The day before yesterday.
Don’t switch on the lights yet
And keep holding me in your hug
Until the night.
'Cause I want to see if you know me
And you make me believe that you exist
Only here.
And yesterday, coming back from your home,
I felt that the world
Was spinning so fast…
And I was jumping from one street lamp
To another, just like that,
And I didn’t touch the ground.
Oh, don’t look at me that way...
Darling, I surely
Didn’t touch the ground.
Save your calm for tomorrow
And now jump over this railing
And come with me
To talk about cold nights,
Stars and planets,
And this desire.
And yesterday, coming back from your home,
I felt that the world
Was spinning so fast…
And I was jumping from one street lamp
To another, just like that,
And I didn’t touch the ground.
Oh, don’t look at me that way...
Darling, I surely
Didn’t touch the ground.
And yesterday, coming back from your home,
I felt that the world
Was spinning so fast…
And I was jumping from one street lamp
To another, just like that,
And I didn’t touch the ground.
Oh, don’t look at me that way...
Darling, I surely
Didn’t touch the ground.
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