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Your words say you're hiding something from me
I know it when your eyes start to fill up
You know that if you cry, my weakness wins
How many times have I heard this part
It hurts every time I try to decipher you
You only regret it when you want to come back
You're not perfect, I already know it
That's not what you won my heart over with
It's your way of pretending
That nothing happens when you disappoint me
You drowned me and now
You see this was the last time
Because your apologies no longer touch me
You roll off my skin
Because your tears do not wet me anymore
I got tired of forgiving you
I won't love you again
Today I'm waterproof
Your words rain and so does the same routine
The same that today leaves us with no way out,
But those lips can't fool me anymore
You're not perfect, I already know it
That's not what you won my heart over with
It's your way of pretending
That nothing happens when you disappoint me
You drowned me and now
You see this was the last time
Because your apologies no longer touch me
You roll off my skin
Because your tears do not wet me anymore
I got tired of forgiving you
I won't love you again
Today I'm waterproof
You see this was the last time
Because your apologies no longer touch me
You roll off my skin
Because your tears do not wet me anymore
I got tired of forgiving you
I'll stay dry of you
I won't love you again
I won't love you again
Today I'm waterproof
Testi originali


Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Spagnolo)

   Dom, 22/05/2022 - 18:32

Hola Santi, me topé con tu traducción y te dejo algunas correcciones respecto a algunos errores e imprecisiones que noté. Espero te sean de ayuda, ¡saludos!

L #1: Your words say you're hiding something from me.
L #2: I know it when your eyes start to fill up.
L #3: You know that if you cry, my weakness wins.
L #6: You only regret it when you want to come back.
L #7 #22: You're not perfect, I already know it.
L #8 #23: That's not what you won my heart over with.
L #10 #25: that nothing happens when you disappoint me.
L #12 #27: You see this was the last time
L #14 #29: You roll off my skin
L #16 #31 #38: I got tired of forgiving you.
L #17 #32 #40 #41: I won't love you again.
L #19: Your words rain and so does the same routine,
L #21: but those lips can't fool me anymore.
L #39: I'll stay dry of you.

   Dom, 22/05/2022 - 18:45

Hecho, he arreglado los errores. Mi inglés no es del todo bueno, por eso te agradezco mucho la revisión. Saludos igualmente :)