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  • Nadau

    Jan → traduzione in Inglese

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Lo còr com un dimenge,
Que va com a vint ans,
Mes que plau lo dimenge,
E n’ei pas mei vint ans,
Atau se’n va la vita,
Com l’aigueta entà l’arriu,
Atau se’n va la vita,
Com la prima entà l’estiu
O, Jan,
Lhèva lo cap cap au sorelh,
N’ei pas vertat, tot n’ei pas vielh,
O, Jan,
Lo pair disè que dab los plors,
I a de qué har ua cançon
Tà quant de temps enqüèra
L’arròsa sus l’arrosèr?
Tà quant de temps enqüèra
Las aulhas auràn aulhèrs?
Tostemps cridar colèra
Per un chic de dignitat,
Tostemps segar las sègas,
N’èi lo còr esperrecat.
E tirar sus la còrda,
E non pas clucar los uelhs,
Non pas seguir la mòda,
Ni tanpòc quitar lo pèis,
E pelejà’s tot dia,
Tà poder demorar viu,
Lo monde sus l’esquia,
Shens jamei estar lo Bon Diu.


Heart like a Sunday,
He goes like he’s twenty,
But it rains on Sundays,
And he’s not twenty anymore,
That’s the way life goes,
Like water into the river,
That’s the way life goes,
Like spring turns into summer.
O, John,
Lift your head up to the sun
It’s not true, not all is old,
O, John,
The father said that with tears
There’s something to make a song
About love.
For how much longer
Will the rose be on its bush?
For how much longer
Will the sheep have shepherds?
Always shouting in anger,
For a bit of dignity,
Always cutting hedges,
My heart is torn to shreds.
And to pull on the rope,
And to not close one’s eyes,
To not follow the trends,
And to never even leave the country,
And to struggle every day,
Just to stay alive,
The world on his back,
Without even being the Good God.
Nadau: 3 più popolari
Radu RobertRadu Robert    Mar, 05/12/2017 - 13:31

I really don't know why but this song make me feel nice and smile :) His voice is so simple that it relax me ...

   Mar, 05/12/2017 - 13:32

It's a great song to just listen to and relax. :)