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Kilmat "Akhi" - كلمة أخي (Rashid's poem)

سالت دموع أحمد، حفيد اللي لهم طيبٍ وجاه
قلت: الدموع تترجم اللي مستحيل يترجمه
هاجوس شاعر، لو تناقل شعره كبار الرواه
بعض المواقف، يستحي عن وصفها حبر قلمه
والله يا أحمد لو تعرف الصدر هذا وش وراه
وراه حزنٍ لو بغيت أكتمه، وشلون أكتمه؟
حزني على راشد هو أغلى حزن، وأنا من نباه
الطيب، أوصيت العيون إنها بدمعي تكرمه
لو الحزن يقدر يرده، ما ذخر جفني بكاه
حزنت لين الشمس تصبح في عيوني مظلمه
لو أتمنى شي من دنيا الفنا، كان المناه
إن العمر يقسم ما بين اثنين، حتى أقسمه
وأعطيه نصف العمر، وأشوفه على قيد الحياة
وأعلمه وش كبر قدره في الصدر، وأعلمه
إنّه هنا، في القلب، لين العمر ياصل منتهاه
وإني أحارب حزني بذكره وطيبه وأهزمه
أهزمه قدام العرب، واتحسّب إن قلبي حصاه
وإن صرت بلحالي كوى كبدي بحامي ميسمه
وأحس بالكية في وسط القلب من كل اتجاه
أكابر بعزة ونفسي للحزن مستسلمه
في كل دارٍ زرتها لي أطيب الذكرى معاه
لكنها صارت بعد فرقاه ذكرى مؤلمه
واللي يفاخر بين خلق الله بكثرة أصدقاه
إن كان ما يفهم! مصير النايبات تفهّمه
والنعم في الصاحب، لكن الأخ يفرق مستواه
عن مستوى صديقك اللي يحشمك، أو تحشمه
الصاحب فلحظة غضبه، يضيع طيبه في رداه
يبيع حبك بأرخص الأثمان مهما تخدمه
وأخوك ما يقدر يبيعه، لأنه أصلًا ما شراه
خُلق وحبك وسط خفاقه ويجري في دمه
يزعل، لكن لا قلت له "يا اخوي" يحتضنك رضاه
دائم أحاسيس الأخوة بالمحبة تلهمه
كلمة "أخي" من فم أخي، أجمل ما تنطقه الشفاه
لأن منبعها خفوقه قبل ينطقها فمه
ليت القبر يعرف مقام اللي دفنّا في ثراه
يا مَعظمه حيٍ وهو ميت بعد يا مَعظمه
ما عاد لك يا أحمد ولا لي، غير ندعي في الصلاة
ونقول: يا راحم عبيدك من عذابك تعصمه
قبله جنود بلادنا ضحوا لجل تذعن عداه
الله يصبرنا على فرقاه، والله يرحمه

The Word "Brother"

Ahmed's eyes teared out, (he is) the descendant of a well known and prideful family
His tears expresses what a poet can never express in words
Even the finest poet, whom his writings been quoted by many
His pen would be unable to describe such feelings 1
I swear Ahmed, if you just know what's in this heart 2
It's full of sorrow, that even if I wanted to hide, how can I hide it?
My sorrow of losing Rashed, is the biggest sorrow
And I ordered my eyes to honor the noble people by crying over them
I swear, if my tears would bring him back, I would let all my tears out
I cried until this sun, became darkness to my eyes
If I would request anything from this mortal world
I would request to divide my lifetime to two
I would give Rashid half of my lifetime, I would see him alive again
And tell him how precious he is to me, and what is his rank in my heart
I would tell him that he lives here 3 till my last breathe
I would fight my sadness, by recalling his memories, his goodness, and defeat it
I defeat my sorrow in front of people, assuming my heart is a rock
And whenever I'm all alone, it burns me so bad
I feel the burn, in every side of my heart
I try to act with pride, but my soul surrendered to this pain
I have beautiful memories with him, in every country I visited
But now, that he is gone, they became painful memories
To this, who is proud that he has lots of friends
If he doesn't understand life yet, life would teach him a lesson
The friend is dear indeed, but, the brother is a total different story
They are not on the same level
Your friend, in a moment of anger, would show you the bad face of his
He would forget about anything else, and would sell out your friendship with a cheap price, no matter how much good you did to him
But the brother, can never sell out your brotherhood
Because you were born with your love built in, in his heart
He would get mad at you, but when you call out "o brother" he would forget about anything else and takes you in his arms
Brotherhood relations would always fill him with love towards you
The word "Brother" comes out from my brother's mouth, is the best word that can ever come out of a mouth
Because it comes from his heart before it comes out of his mouth
I wish this grave knows how great is the man we just buried
How great was he when he was alive, and how great is he when he is dead
Ahmed, there is nothing else that we can do, but to pray in the prayer
And say: O You Most Merciful on your worshipers, please protect him from afterlife agony
Just before he dies, our soldiers scarified their lives, to protect this country
May Allah give us the strength to overcome this, and may his soul rest in peace
  • 1. Or situations
  • 2. Hamdan's heart
  • 3. in my heart