Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Mirza Selimović

    Ko te pamti → traduzione in Inglese

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Ko te pamti

Neke se rane naprave same
od starih slika i uspomena
nek si mi ti negdje voljena...
Imam ja svaku a nikog nemam
umorno srce, da ga sad mijenjam
uvijek tvoj niknem iz korijena
Okruži nove brojeve na kalendaru...
Zaboravi, dao ti Bog
da imaš dom i nekog svog
Šta dotakneš nek pozlati
Zaboravi, ko te pamti...
Još sam ja dušom za tvoju vezan
i šta je tvoje, ničije nije
bol je tu, niko da skloni je
Okruži nove brojeve na kalendaru...
Zaboravi, dao ti Bog
da imaš dom i nekog svog
šta dotakneš nek pozlati
Zaboravi ko te pamti...

Who still remembers you

Some wounds appear by themselves
From old pictures and memories
May you be loved somewhere out there
I can have anyone yet I have no one [by my side]
My heart's too tired to change it now
I always resprout from my root as yours
Circle new dates on the calendar
Forget it, may God give you
A home to have and someone who's yours
May whatever you touch turn gold
Forget it, who still remembers you
I am still tied to you through my soul
And what is yours, belongs to nobody
The pain is there, there's no one to remove it
Circle new dates on the calendar
Forget it, may God give you
A home to have and someone who's yours
May whatever you touch turn gold
Forget it, who still remembers you
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