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  • Jenni Rivera

    La Chacalosa → traduzione in Inglese

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Party girl

They look after me coz`I am a party girl
I know the business I grow up into the big mafia
My father taught me how to sell the best merchandise
When I was 15 years old, they never celebrated my "quinceañera"
They inherited the business and I earned a lot of money
Cellphone and beeper to look after the business
My father's friends taught me how to shoot
They want me well prepared for be the first to shoot
My gold pistol grips shine.
I run the business, I have my drug fields in Jalisco
Laboratory in Sonora, distribution everywhere
My hand don't touch anything, my triumph looks clean
I drive only new fancy trucks
I get what I want
I´m honest at work, that's why I don´t trick anybody
More than four say, one day they are going to steal from me
Whoever dares to do it, doesn´t know how my people will respond
I´m always with my bodyguards just in case somebody wants to get into a fight with me
Like the nicest mare I am coquette and so conceited
My enemies enjoy my leftovers
There is no man that can handle my freedom and my dens
In the famous "Pharaoh parral" and highlands
Also at the "rodeo" too, they know me everywhere
We will see each other, my good friends ¡"cocaine addicts"!
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La Chacalosa

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