Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Liberdade Provisória (Eu Implorei Pra Voltar)

No início foi assim
Terminou tá terminado
Cada um pro seu lado
Não precisa ligar mais
Só que foi eu quem terminou
E quem foi largado não espera
Eu segui minha vida
Até ela começar seguir a dela
E do meio pro final
Eu só ia pra onde ela tava
Cada beijo no rosto que outra boca dava
Eu morria de raiva
E ela tava mais linda
Cada vez que eu olhava
O ciúme não tava batendo
Tava dando porrada
E eu implorei pra voltar
E ela me matou na unha
Disse que eu tava solteiro
Eu tava solteiro porra nenhuma
Implorei pra voltar
Não me manda embora
Sou preso na sua vida
Era só liberdade provisória
Vai ter que me aceitar de volta
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Temporary Release

At first it was cool
We were done
And went on separate ways
"There's no need to call me anymore"
But I was the one who broke up
And the person who is left alone is never expecting the end
So I went on with my life
Until she started moving on with hers
And from this point til the very end
I began showing up anywhere she was
Each kiss on her cheek given by some other lips
would make me so angry
And she was even more beautiful
every time I saw her
Jealousy was not getting into me
It was punching me in the face
Then I begged her to get back together
And she gave me a hard time
She reminded me I was single
The hell I was!
I begged to get back together
"Please, don't send me away"
I'm like a prisioner in your life
That was nothing but temporary release
You have to take me back!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
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