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من و تو، درخت و بارون...

من باهارم تو زمین
من زمینم تو درخت
من درختم تو باهار
من درختم تو باهار
من باهارم تو زمین
من زمینم تو درخت
من درختم تو باهار
من درختم تو باهار
ناز انگشتای بارون تو باغم می‌کنه
میون جنگلا تاقم می‌کنه
ناز انگشتای بارون تو باغم می‌کنه
میون جنگلا تاقم می‌کنه
تو بزرگی مثِّ شب،
اگه مهتاب باشه یا نه،
تو بزرگی
مث شب
خود مهتابی تو اصلا،
خود مهتاب
مث شب گود و بزرگی،
مث شب
اگه روزم که بیاد،
تو تمیزی
مث شبنم
مث صبح
اگه روزم که بیاد،
تو تمیزی
مث شبنم
مث صبح
تو مث مخمل ابری
مث بوی علفی
مث اون ململ مه، نازکی
اون ململ مه
که رو عطر علفا
هاج و واج مونده مردد
میون موندن و رفتن،
میون مرگ و حیات
مث برفایی تو
اگه آبم که بشن برفا و عُریون بشه کوه،
تو همون قلّه‌ی مغرور و بلندی‌،
تو همون قلّه‌ی مغرور و بلندی‌
که به ابرای سیاهی و به بادای بدی می‌خندی
ناز انگشتای بارون تو، باغم می‌کنه
میون جنگل‌ها،
تاقم می‌کنه

You and I, The Tree and The Rain

I'm the spring you're the ground
I'm the ground you're the tree
I'm the tree you're the spring
I'm the tree you're the spring
I'm the spring you're the ground
I'm the ground you're the tree
I'm the tree you're the spring
I'm the tree you're the spring
The coquetry of your rain fingers, make me garden
Make me lonely, in the midst of the forests
The coquetry of your rain fingers, make me garden
Make me lonely, in the midst of the forests
You're great, like the night,
Whether it's moonlight or not,
You are great
Like the night
You're the moonlight itself, soever
The moonlight itself
Like the night, you're deep and great
Like the night
If even comes the day,
You are clean
Like the dew
Like the morning
If even the day comes
You are clean
Like the dew
Like the morning
You are like the velvet of cloud
Like the smell of grass
Like that white cloth of the fog, thin
That white cloth of the fog
That on the aroma of grasses,
Is puzzled hesitant
Between staying and going,
Between dying or living
You're like snows
If snows melt too, and the mountain becomes naked,
You're that proud and tall summit,
You're that proud and tall summit
That you're laughing at the black clouds and bad winds
The coquetry of your rain fingers, make me garden
In the midst of the forests,
Make me lonely
Raccolte con "من و تو، درخت و ..."
Idioms from "من و تو، درخت و ..."
   Dom, 12/09/2021 - 00:33

Saas efkharisto a lot Flora 😉
Se agapo penta *heart* *heart* *heart* *heart* *heart*

I don't know if my Greek have meaning 😁 thanks for your attention and review 😘

ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    Dom, 12/09/2021 - 08:33

I loved the lyrics in English! I am sure that the original lyrics are even more poetic ( I don't know Persian though) but the result was perfect in its simplicity. Well done !!

   Ven, 17/09/2021 - 03:36

I'm glad it got your attention *heart*
It's expected though for Shamlou poem to grab the audience at the air 🤗
I didn't have that much role in it 😁

   Ven, 17/09/2021 - 03:39

The coquetry of your eyes, make me a translator
Make me lonely, in the midst of the lyrics 😁

   Ven, 17/09/2021 - 03:49

You're the star itself, soever
The star itself
Like the star, you're bright and great
Like the star...

Shukran jazilaa yaa sadiqi!

MJ-Q8MJ-Q8    Gio, 16/09/2021 - 23:50

Millions of thanks are not enough for the beautiful translation. Well done ❤️🌹🎵🎶 

   Ven, 17/09/2021 - 03:53

Your attention/comment is way way more than enough 💯🙏 let alone the "thanks", and some more millions of them 🤦🏽‍♂️❤️ 😁