Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Chico Buarque

    Meu Refrão → traduzione in Inglese

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My Chorus

The one who with me sings, sings my chorus
My best friend is my guitar
My best friend is my guitar
I've cried taken by disappointment already
Now I'm grown up
And just don't cry anymore
I played soccer, I flew sky lanterns
But I had to run away from school
To learn the lesson
The one who with me sings, sings my chorus
My best friend is my guitar
My best friend is my guitar
The chorus that I make is for you to know
That I won't give in 1
Quit enchanting me
For no, I won't change
Because I have no commitment, no clock and no boss
The one who with me sings, sings my chorus
My best friend is my guitar
My best friend is my guitar
I was born with no luck
I live in a slum shack
But my saint is strong
My samba is weak
In my samba I say what's from the heart
The one who with me sings, sings my chorus
My best friend is my guitar
My best friend is my guitar
  • 1. Dar o braço a torcer translates as "to let someone twist your arm", but means "to give in".
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Meu Refrão

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