Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Carson Coma

    Mi lesz? → traduzione in Inglese

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What if?

What if I'll never find a partner?
Will I be left alone on top of the gigantic nothing?
Oh, who'll be with him?
What if I won't get accepted again?
Should I search for myself instead of a university?
Oh, what'll happen to him?
What if I'll never get to fuck someone?
Or if I'll get to do it one day, will I fail at it?
What if I'll never make any changes in my life?
And I'll live in this stupid way, the way I want to live?
Because everything is gnawing at me on every level
But if they ask me, I'm going to deny everything
Because I'm living exactly in the stupid way I want to live
What if I'll never make any changes in my life?
And if they ask me, I'm going to deny everything
Because I'm living exactly in the stupid way I want to live
What if this'll be the thing that's going to kill me?
I shouldn't just sweep everything under the rug1
Oh, what'll happen to him?
What if I won't go tonight?
And if she2would look for the company of someone else again?
Oh, who'll be with him?
What if I'll have to lie at home?
For example, right now I would have to lie about not having any problems
What if I'll never make any changes in my life?
And I'll live in this stupid way, the way I want to live?
Because everything is gnawing at me on every level
But if they ask me, I'm denying everything
Because I'm living exactly in the stupid way I want to live
What if I'll never make any changes in my life?
And if they ask me, I'm going to deny everything
Because I'm living exactly in the stupid way I want to live
What if I'll never make any changes in my life?
And if they ask me, I'm going to deny everything
Because I'm living exactly in the stupid way I want to live
Testi originali

Mi lesz?

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